Неаполь, исторический центр муниципалитета, расположен в северо-западной части префектуры Ласити, в так называемом Верхнем Мирабелло, в 15 минутах от города Айос Николаос. Центр метрополии Петры и Херсониса, а также центр судебных служб. Город полон старых особняков, живописных аллей и ухоженных фонтанов времен Османской империи. Центральная площадь с муниципальным садом и церковью Пресвятой Богородицы дополняет внушительную и спокойную обстановку в этом районе. Рядом с церковью находится этнографический музей Неаполиса. Он был основан в 1979 году, и его экспонаты позволяют посетителю составить полную картину жизни в Мирабелло. В окрестностях полно монастырей и церквей. Большой исторический памятник — францисканский монастырь Фраро, а также археологический памятник Дрирос. Также этот район славится мероприятиями, проходящими здесь каждый год. Праздничные, культурные, спортивные мероприятия проходят на центральной площади, кульминацией которых становится большое народное гуляние 14 и 15 августа.
полезная информация
Folklore Museum of Neapoli
The museum is housed in the old Secondary School of Neapoli, a historic building of 1870. It was founded in 1979 by donations and its exhibits include icons, woodcarvings, household utensils, etc. allowing the visitor to form a complete picture of the life of Mirabello from the 19th century and beyond.
Address: 1 El. Venizelou square, Neapoli
Opening hours: Summer, daily 10.00-13.00 & 18.00-21.00
Winter, must book in advance
Archaeological Collection of Neapolis
Τhe Archaeological Collection of Neapoli was created before World War II and within two years included around 1000 items, found mostly in the area of Mirabello and in other sites of the Prefecture. During the Italian rule, thanks to the efforts of Emm. Mavroeidis (then ektaktos curator of Antiquities) the Collection was protected in the underground of the Club. Today it is housed in a building ceded to the Ministry of Culture by the Ministry of Health and the Municipality.
Address: 1 El. Venizelou square, Neapoli
Opening hours: 9.00-16.00
Религиозные памятники
Metropolitan Church of Megali Panagia
The metropolitan church of Megali Panagia, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, stands majestically at the northern end of the main square of Neapoli. The church was erected at the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century, and its construction lasted for a very long time, due to the economic difficulties of the time. It started in 1889, but the church was inaugurated in 1927. The cruciform shaped church has a dome, and its lower part is made of carved stonework made of gray local marble, much like all its openings. His wood-carved iconostasis and hagiographies were created between 1962 and 1965.
Monastery of Fraro
The Catholic Monastery of the Order of the Franciscan monks, of which half of its abandoned katholikon is still preserved, is dedicated to Agios Antonios. Its founding dates back to the second half of the 14th century, when monk Petros Filagris, who later became Pope Alexander the 5th, lived.
Church of Metamorphosis of the Savior (Church of the Transfiguration)
The two-aisled church is located in the cemetery of Neapoli and is dedicated to the Metamorphosis of the Savior and Agioi Pantes. Originally, the church was three-aisled, but today the southern aisle is destroyed. The frescoes date back to the end of the 13th and early 14th century, with the most significant depiction being the nursing of the Virgin Mary from Agia Anna.